Reading List

Here is a list of books that have improved my understanding of health and wellness.

Countdown, Dr. Shanna Swan

In 2017 Dr. Shanna Swan and her research team published a major study which documented a 50% decline in sperm counts over the last 40 years in western countries. In Countdown, Dr. Shanna Swan further explores how chemicals in our environment are causing a dramatic decline in fertility rates.

Deep Nutrition, Cate Shanahan, M.D

Dr. Cate Shanahan’s diet philosophy, detailed in Deep Nutrition, centers on universal themes across traditional diets worldwide. Her goal is to optimize health results across the lifespan, from infancy to the final years. Her work has earned Dr. Shanahan a spot as the nutrition consultant for the Los Angelos Lakers NBA team.

The Circadian Code, by Satchin Panda, PhD

Satchin Panda explores how the circadian rhythm impacts all areas of life and ways that we can tweak our lifestyles to optimize our health - ranging from prevention of cancer and diabetes to managing irritable bowel disease.